DMK Skincare Revitosin


We like to call Revitosin our lone, anti-aging and re-texturizing hero. This Vitamin A exfoliant works harmoniously to enhance cell turnover, diminish fine lines, smooth the skin’s pores and texture and promote a luminous glow when you wakeup. This lightweight yet powerful lotion absorbs quickly, delivering potent benefits to rejuvenate your skin while you sleep. For night time use only.

N4 Skincare Tip: When starting this product we recommend starting slowly. Pick one night, your first week of use. If you do not experience any negative side effects, you may pick two nights to apply Revitosin the following week. If your skin still feels great, gradually work your way to 3 nights per week. It’s important to listen to your skin and increase or decrease use depending on how your skin feels.

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